Why use an ATPN Member

To become a member of ATPN, a prospective member goes through endorsement and/or recommendation process by getting proposed by two existing members in ‘good standing’ from at least 2 levels of membership. All members are required to submit various forms that ensure their operational integrity, allowing ATPN to confidently recommend them as a credible provider of domestic and inbound tourism services.


  • Have Integrity: Adhere to a strict Code of Conduct.

  • Are Legitimate: Company registration checked annually, and assurance provided that they comply with all regulatory requirements of a registered business.

  • Are Financially Stable: Solvency checks are conducted annually

  • Are Legally Compliant: In accordance to regulations governing the tourism industry

  • Are Insured: Appropriate insurance cover with minimum indemnity limits

  • Are Bonded: Customer’s pre-tour deposits and payments are guaranteed

  • Undergo a very strict registration procedure before being admitted as a member.

Membership of ATPN is open to any tourism business/practitioner in Nigeria that has been in business for one year or more, which complies with the requirements for Membership. If you have an encounter of any unprofessional practice with any member, please do not hesitate to drop us an email and our disciplinary committee will address the issue and revert to you.

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